Photovoltaic panels

Cleaning photovoltaic panels, is it a good idea?

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Cleaning photovoltaic panels, is it a good idea?

With the increasing popularity of renewable energy sources, more and more people are opting to install photovoltaic panels. However, the efficiency of these devices depends on various factors, including their cleanliness. In this article, we will discuss why it is worth cleaning photovoltaic panels, how to do it, how much such a service costs, and how much you can earn from it.

Cleaning Photovoltaic Panels

Cleaning photovoltaic panels is necessary to maintain their performance at a high level. Dirt, dust, pollen, and bird droppings can accumulate on the surface of the panels, reducing the influx of sunlight and thus decreasing the energy efficiency of the installation.

mycie paneli fotowoltaicznych za pomocą myjki z długim wysięgiem

Why should you clean photovoltaic panels?

Cleaning photovoltaic panels is important for several reasons:

  • Increases energy efficiency: Regular cleaning helps maintain high energy efficiency of the installation, leading to savings on energy bills.
  • Extends panel lifespan: Dirt and pollutants can cause damage to the panels, and regular cleaning helps prevent premature wear and tear.

How to clean photovoltaic panels?

Cleaning photovoltaic panels should be done with caution to avoid damaging their surface. Therefore, it’s worth using the services of specialized companies or investing in a machine for cleaning photovoltaic panels with hot demineralized water, such as Mansser Osmo, which provides gentle and effective cleaning.

Removing contaminants from solar panels helps maintain their performance at the appropriate level and ensures maximum savings on electricity bills.

We will need a specialized machine for cleaning photovoltaic panels that operates without using high pressure and has a water filtering function, up to complete demineralization.

Additionally, it’s beneficial if the equipment has a water heating function. Hot water will remove contaminants (especially greasy ones) much faster and more effectively, and allow for washing panels at any time of the day, even in the summer sun.

Using pressure washers without water heating is not the best idea. Cold water can cause significant limitations, as there is a possibility of damaging the glass layer of the panels. Therefore, equipped with the appropriate cleaning system, we can effectively remove dirt, dust, and pollutants that, when deposited on the panels, reduce the efficiency of the installation and significantly shorten their lifespan.

mycie paneli fotowoltaicznych

How much does solar panel cleaning cost?

The cost of cleaning solar panels depends on the cleaning method and the surface area of the panels. For self-cleaning, the cost mainly involves purchasing detergent and potentially renting a pressure washer.

However, when using professional services, the cost usually ranges from several dozen to several hundred złoty, depending on the size of the panels and the region of the country. Some companies also offer maintenance packages, including regular panel cleaning, which may be more cost-effective for the owner of the installation.

How much can you earn from cleaning solar panels?

There is the potential to earn money by offering solar panel cleaning services, especially in areas with a high concentration of solar installations. Income depends on the number of clients, service pricing, and costs associated with running the business, such as equipment purchase, insurance fees, or travel expenses. Depending on these factors, earnings can range from several thousand to several tens of thousands of złoty per month.

Safety in washing photovoltaic panels

Washing photovoltaic panels can involve certain risks, especially if the panels are installed on the roof of a building. Therefore, it is important to remember some basic safety rules:

  • Use of appropriate equipment: It is necessary to use ladders, harnesses, and other personal protective equipment to minimize the risk of falling.
  • Work in suitable weather conditions: It is best to clean panels in calm, sunny weather, avoiding work at heights during rain or strong wind.
  • Exercise caution with electricity: Photovoltaic panels generate electricity, so it is important to avoid direct contact with wires and connections.

In summary, cleaning photovoltaic panels is a good idea. It helps maintain high energy efficiency of the installation, save on energy bills, and prolong the life of the panels. Cleaning can be done independently or by using professional services. There is also the possibility of earning income by providing such services.

However, it is important to remember safety when working at heights and to ensure proper maintenance of the equipment.

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